
Glasses For Computer Screen

If you spend most of your workday in front of a computer screen and have been experiencing symptoms such as eye fatigue, burning eyes, itching or irritated eyes, headaches or blurry vision, consider getting glasses for your digital lifestyle. These specialized lenses are designed to address the unique optical correction needed for computer screen use and offer protection against harmful blue light, glare and other common eye problems caused by long periods of time spent on digital devices.

Glasses for computer screen use are a special version of reading glasses, although the magnification is usually about half as strong to help reduce the amount of strain put on your eyes. In addition, computer glasses are often fitted with an antireflective coating to minimize glare from overhead lighting and other sources of visual distraction. We also offer photochromic lenses that darken when exposed to sunlight and automatically return to clear when inside, perfect for the changing climatic conditions of working outside and in.

Glasses for Computer Screens: A Complete Buying Guide

While regular prescription lenses correct nearsightedness and farsightedness, glasses for computer screens are often fitted with occupational bifocals or trifocal lenses with higher zones for intermediate and near vision than standard bifocals and trifocals. This helps the wearer to view the screen without needing to tilt their head or hunch over and can be customized for each individual setup.

In addition to reducing glare, computer glasses are often fitted with a blue light filter which can help prevent eye strain and sleep disturbances associated with prolonged exposure to digital screens. Studies have shown that blue light emitted by digital devices suppresses melatonin levels and can interfere with circadian rhythms, which regulate your body’s natural sleep cycle.

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