A buy here pay here lot near me offers the opportunity to finance a vehicle without the hassle of credit checks. This type of loan is popular among those with bad credit, but there are some important things to remember before you commit. Some buy here pay here dealerships require a large down payment and may require you to make payments weekly or bi-weekly. They may also require that you make payments in person, use checks or cash, or pay a higher interest rate than a traditional dealership. If you choose this option, be prepared to pay a higher price than you were originally willing to pay, which could result in you being upside down on the loan.
Save for a down payment
Not all buy here pay here dealerships report to credit bureaus, so you should ask if they do. If not, you may miss out on a chance to improve your credit. It is also important to understand what terms these dealerships have with regards to late payments. Some Buy Here Pay Here dealerships might ask you to buy a warranty or GAP insurance policy. These products will be added to your loan amount, which will raise your monthly payments.
Many buy here pay here car lots have high interest rates, and you should be aware of these. While this is legal in some states, you can always negotiate a higher interest rate with the dealership if you think it’s reasonable. In New York, for example, the legal interest rate for loans under $25,000 is 16%. You can also pay a Credit Service Charge of any rate you agree on, but remember that a higher interest rate means that the car will cost you more in the end.